accesibility icon

Digital branding and UX design for a corporate technology company

Company: Magic Software

the challenge

In the digital domain magic's brand looked un-ordered and complicated. Magic has an Enterprise website with more than 100 different pages. Our initial approach was to categorise the sitemap in a new and simple order so it will be understable and easy to navigate. Magic dosen't have concrete products, but services that built on technology and cloud base solutions. We had to re-design the site in a way that will attract the eye of the user, will create interesting interactions and will make the user feel the brand values.


  • UX UI Wireframes
  • branding identity and concept
  • web design
  • Illustrations
magic-software desktop

the concept

We've pllaned the UX for site from scratch and designed a new mathematic that works the same for each of the website pages, while working with gradients, icons, illustrations, and animations.

Featured in digital design